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Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Last updated on August 13th, 2023. false true

These are the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for the website and all of its services. Please read carefully and I won't bite you. This document represents the rules for the use of the various services and how data is treated and processed in order to make these services work.


Don't forget that I own the server and all of its services, that means that I have the power to do whatever I want and that includes changing this document whenever I feel like. It's on you to decide if you want to trust me or not with my promises and your data. However, since the server(s) are based in the European Union, you are protected by european data protection laws such as the GDPR, which means that you have the right to request for data deletion, to be informed in case of a data breach, to request data download and to request information on any legal movement of the data.

List of services

Here's a list of all of the services that have their own set of rules and/or policies:

  • the main web server that powers the website and part of the services;
  • the main site's comments that are under every article;
  • the Git server where people can commit, open issues, etc.;
  • the Mumble server where people can voice chat with each other;
  • the Xonotic server where people can play together and chat;
  • the public group chat where people can chat with each other.

The main web server

The website, its subdomains and related services run on the Nginx web server software.

Privacy with the main web server

The data the web server gets is:

  • your IP address;
  • your user agent string (which can include your browser, operating system, etc.);
  • the page or subdirectory you're trying to visit;
  • data specific to other services (keep reading the other services).

All of this data (except for the last point) can only be seen by the server and who can access the backend, that means me. None of the data is given or sold to any third parties. You can request data download and/or deletion at any time by contacting me, preferably by email. In the event of a data breach or exposure, it will be announced on the server status Mastodon account and/or, if you're directly affected, will be communicated privately if possible.

The main site's comments

Every article of the website has a comments section that looks like this.

The comments section

The main part has a big text box where you type your comment, right under that there are three optional text boxes for the display name, your email address for a notification feature of the Isso comments system which is disabled on this site so it's unnecessary to fill that box, and a website of your choice, like your personal blog, that people can access by clicking on your display name on the posted comment. After those you have a Preview and a Submit button which are self explanatory.

Terms for using the comments

Here's what you can and can't do:

  • you can submit a comment or reply to another comment with your opinion or whatever you wanna say as long as it's not spam, offensive or too off-topic from the current article;
  • you can use whatever name, email or website link you want as long as it's not spam, offensive or impersonating someone;
  • you can upvote or downvote comments posted by others;
  • you can't post more than two comments each minute;
  • you can edit or delete a comment of yours until 15 minutes from posting;
  • you can report any comment that you think is going against the terms.

Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time:

  • delete any comment;
  • edit any comment, including their display name, email address and website link.

Privacy when using the comments

The data the server gets when posting a comment or a reply is:

  • the comment itself;
  • the display name if specified;
  • the email address if specified;
  • the website link if specified.

The comment, display name and website link can be seen by anyone, while the email can only be seen by the server and who can access the backend, that means me. Again, the email is only needed for a notification feature which is disabled, so don't even bother adding your address since I don't guarantee I'll enable that feature in the future. None of the data is given or sold to any third parties. You can request data download and/or deletion at any time by contacting me, preferably by email. In the event of a data breach or exposure, it will be announced on the server status Mastodon account and/or, if you're directly affected, will be communicated privately if possible.

The Git server

The Git server is powered by a frontend called Gogs, which has a UI and a feature set very similar to GitHub.

The Gogs UI

You can create or import repos, create organizations, post issues, make pull requests, etc.

Terms for using the Git server

Here's what you can and can't do:

  • you can create or import repos as long as they are related to me or a project of mine (e.g.: a fork of my nsxiv repo) and as long as they're not spam, offensive or illegal;
  • you can create organizations as long as they aren't spam, offensive or illegal and as long as they don't impersonate anyone;
  • you can post issues or comments as long as they aren't spam, offensive or illegal;
  • you can make pull requests;
  • you can do remoting with Git via the command line or a frontend of any sort, both HTTPS and SSH are supported (e.g.: git clone, git push);
  • you can set any username, full name, email, profile picture, location and website you want as long as they aren't spam, offensive or illegal;
  • you can report any user that you think is going against the terms.

Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time:

  • delete accounts, repos or organizations;
  • edit account details such as full name, email, password, website, location, maximum repo creation limit, activation status, login permission, administrative permissions and Git hook creation permission.

Privacy when using the Git server

The data the server gets when using the Git server is:

  • login credentials (username, email and password);
  • extra profile details (profile picture, location and website);
  • date of creation of the account;
  • anything pushed to the repos, including the commit history;
  • any commit, comment, issue, pull request, etc.

The credentials can be remembered on the current browser with a cookie (when you tick "Remember me" on the login page), that's the only cookie that the site gives you.

All of this data can be seen by anyone, except for login credentials and private repos which can only be seen by the account/repo owner, the server and who can access the backend, that means me, except for the password which can't be seen at all. None of the data is given or sold to any third parties. You can request data download and/or deletion at any time by contacting me, preferably by email. In the event of a data breach or exposure, it will be announced on the server status Mastodon account and/or, if you're directly affected, will be communicated privately if possible.

The Mumble server

The Mumble server is powered by a backend called Murmur, the official server software for Mumble.

Me logged into my Mumble server

Terms for using the Mumble server

Here's what you can and can't do:

  • you can log on with any name and certificate you want as long as you're not impersonating someone;
  • you can voice chat or text chat with anybody in any category you're allowed to go into as long as you're not disrespectful, annoying or harmful to others;
  • you can contact an administrator to report any user you think is going against the terms.

Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time:

  • kick, ban, mute, deafen, prioritize or get information of any user;
  • delete or edit any channel.

Privacy when using the Mumble server

The data the server gets when using the Mumble server is:

  • username and certificate details (name, signatures, dates, etc.);
  • IP address;
  • operating system;
  • client version, CELT version and Opus support status;
  • ping statistics;
  • UDP packet statistics;
  • connection uptime and bandwith speed;
  • your voice and text messages.

All of this data is can be seen by the server and who can access the backend, that means me. Treat this as a public space and don't just give away sensitive info, either via voice or text, to random strangers connected to the server. None of the data is given or sold to any third parties. You can request data download and/or deletion at any time by contacting me, preferably by email. In the event of a data breach or exposure, it will be announced on the server status Mastodon account and/or, if you're directly affected, will be communicated privately if possible.

The Xonotic server

The Xonotic server is a vanilla Xonotic game server, mainly focused on deathmatch.

The server's info box on the game's server list

Terms for using the Xonotic server

Here's what you can and can't do:

  • you can join with any name;
  • you can text chat with anybody as long as you're not disrespectful, annoying or harmful to others;
  • you can play as long as you play by the rules and without any cheating (not sure if there's any Xonotic cheats out there, but if it's the case then they are strictly forbidden).

Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time:

  • kick, ban, chat mute any player;
  • issue any server command (time extending, enabling and disabling bots, etc.) to change the game or server's behavior.

Privacy when using the Xonotic server

The data the server gets when using the Xonotic server is:

  • username;
  • client ID and key;
  • IP address;

All of this data is can be seen by the server and who can access the backend, that means me. Don't share any sensitive info in the chat as you could be interacting with total strangers. You should also remember that this server has statistics enabled, this means some data is going to be sent to the official XonStat server. None of the data is given or sold to any third parties on my end. You can request data download and/or deletion at any time by contacting me, preferably by email. In the event of a data breach or exposure, it will be announced on the server status Mastodon account and/or, if you're directly affected, will be communicated privately if possible.

The public group chat

The public group chat called "Gianmarco's Autistic Slumber" is hosted on my Matrix server, but it's also bridged on Telegram through the use of t2bot's Telegram bridge bot. To join the chat visit this page.

Screenshot of the public group chat on both Matrix (via Element) and Telegram

Terms for using the public group chat

Here's what you can and can't do:

  • you can join with any name or profile picture you want as long as they're not spam, harmful, offensive or an impersonation;
  • you can chat with anybody as long as you're not disrespectful, annoying, harmful or trolling (light jokes are excusable);
  • you can't flood with an excessive amount of messages or mentions;
  • you can't send a link of yours/spam without proper context and/or authorization;
  • you can call out an administrator in order to report an abuse, as long as you're not overdoing it.

Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time:

  • delete any message;
  • mute, kick or ban any user;
  • change chat settings (name, picture, permissions, etc.) on both platforms.

You should also note that the Telegram part of the group chat has to comply with Telegram's terms of service.

Privacy when using the public group chat

The data my Matrix server gets when using the public group chat is:

  • any message you send;
  • your name, username, profile picture, online status and verified devices;
  • any change in name or profile picture.

All of this data can be seen by anyone in the group chat, unless you have specifically configured your account or your homeserver to limit certain data. There's also data that gets processed by t2bot's Telegram bridge bot and Telegram, each with their own privacy policies. None of the data is given or sold to any third parties on my end. You can request data download and/or deletion at any time by contacting me, preferably by email. In the event of a data breach or exposure, it will be announced on the server status Mastodon account and/or, if you're directly affected, will be communicated privately if possible.

Later on a replacement of t2bot's Telegram bridge bot is planned with a selfhosted Matterbridge that's more reliable and that connects also to other platforms such as Discord and XMPP. Whenever this change will occurr, it will affect the terms of service and privacy policy of the group chat.