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Raw Blame History

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Socials Common platforms I'm on 2021-09-10 false true

🐘 Mastodon (

🐭 Lemmy (u/

👽 Reddit (u/gsoftwares)

🌈 Pixelfed (

🖌️ DeviantArt (gsoftwares03)

🎨 Artfol (@gianmarcogg03)

🏀 Dribbble (gianmarcogg03)

🎬 Peertube channel (

🎬 Peertube account (

🚀 Odysee/LBRY (@gianmarcogg03)

▶️ YouTube (@gianmarcogg03)

🏴‍☠️ Soulseek (gianmarcogg03)

💾 SpaceHey (gianmarco)

💻 GitHub (@gianmarcogg03)

🦊 GitLab (@gianmarcogg03)

⚙️ KDE Invent (@gianmarcogg)

🎧 SoundCloud (gianmarcogg03)

👔 LinkedIn (Gianmarco Gargiulo)

🛍️ Pling/KDE Store (gianmarcogg03)

Alternate accounts

🐘 Gianmarco Server Status on Mastodon (

🐘 Flat Eric Posting on Mastodon (

🎬 Backup Gianmarco on Peertube (

🚀 Backup Gianmarco on Odysee/LBRY (@backuppino03)

▶️ Backup Gianmarco ambrosio297 on YouTube (@gianmarcobackup @ambrosio297)

This last one was rebranded to ambrosio297 to go along with the new videos following the ambrosio character and lore. All the other videos that predate the ambrosio297 series are unlisted, but they're still public under the original branding on Peertube and Odysee. It's undecided if the ambrosio297 branding will persist and for how long.

Platforms I'm not on anymore

Twitter/𝕏 (@gianmarcogg03), deactivated on December 18th, 2022, due to poor and unethical management after the Musk acquisition and because it's a proprietary, centralized and data-harvesting platform.

Instagram (@gianmarcogg03), suspended on January 29th, 2023, due to it being too sensitive to logins from other clients and mass downloading of data, it's also a proprietary, centralized platform owned by one of the biggest data-whore companies, that being Meta obviously.