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# Gianmarco's dotfiles
## Get my super fancy setup with Polybar, zsh, powerlevel10k and my custom color scheme.
![Screenshot from my r/unixporn post](repopics/screenshot.png)
## Basic requirements
- **KDE Plasma** for the color scheme and the icon pack (and **Latte** if you want the dock);
- **Polybar** for the status bar (and **Python** with **dbus-python** for the media player module);
- **zsh** and **powerlevel10k** for the fancy shell prompt (and **pfetch** if you want the ascii logo thing).
Extra stuff might be required for my Polybar scripts. Continue reading, don't be lazy.
## How to install
After installing the dependencies, place the stuff like you see it in your home directory. Change the settings of your Plasma desktop, of your shell or terminal emulator, make Polybar launch at startup and you should be good to go. If you want pfetch to run when you open a terminal, append the line `pfetch` at the bottom of your `.zshrc` file (I didn't include mine because it has some Oh My Zsh bloat). To activate the powerlevel10k theme make sure you have this line `source ~/.p10k.zsh` in your `.zshrc` file.
## Explaining some things
### Polybar
`.config/polybar` contains stuff from [adi1090x's Polybar Themes repo]( with the addition of a custom folder called `gmg` which is a modified version of the `material` theme present in the same base directory. To launch Polybar with my theme, just run the `` script with the flag `--gmg`. You might want to make a thing at login that automatically runs the command for you. Also a lot of the stuff in this custom theme has italian text so, unless you like pasta a lot, you might wanna change that. For this the fonts [Roboto](, [Fantasque Sans Mono]( and [Material Design Iconic Font]( are required for the theme to work properly, but you can always set your own in the `config.ini` file. For the date module to work correctly in your system language, assuming it isn't italian, you have to change the line `locale = it_IT.UTF-8` in the `config.ini` file.
I've got a few very simple stupid Polybar modules that I've made myself for my workflow. You can see what each of them do at `gmg/user_modules.ini`.
![The custom modules](repopics/pbicons.png)
The **bell** icon runs `xdotool` to press a key combination associated with **opening and closing Plasma's notification center**, so you might want to adjust that to your setup. Same thing goes for the **down pointing chevron** which **opens and closes Plasma's tray icons**.
There is an **update counter** module that when you **left-click** on it, it will snapshot your system with Timeshift and run `sudo pacman -Syu --no-confirm`, when you **right-click** instead, it will open a window with the list of updates available (requires KDialog).
The **padlock** icon is supposed to **unlock my Plasma vault folder**, so change it if you want, otherwise get rid of it.
In `gmg/modules.ini` there are a few changes I've done to the network module: some lines are commented for **Wi-Fi stuff**, I suggest you touch those parameters if you're on a laptop or something. Here's an example.
![A commented line for Wi-Fi](repopics/comment.png)
Here's a trick: if you changed some configs and you want to quickly restart Polybar, do a **double right-click** anywhere on the bar.
Again, since this originates from [adi1090x's Polybar Themes repo]( there's some extra stuff that I don't use such as **rofi menus** and some **extra icon modules** that you might be interested in.
The **media player Python module** was created by d093w1z, I only changed some icons and a few options here and there. [Check the source code here](
### The Nightmare Magma color scheme
This is **my own custom color scheme** based on Breeze Dark, designed to be the opposite of my other color scheme called [Dream Plasma]( **red and dark AF!!!**
![The color palette](repopics/palette.png)
This up here is the color palette, with the main color being **Signature Red** (#EB4034), the same kinda pinkish shade of red I've been using for my own branding. The shades of black have kind of a **warm hue** to them, especially the darker one, adding to the already warm shades of red. These colors are also used in the Polybar config.
### The Nightmare Magma icon pack
This is just a slightly modified version of the Breeze Dark icons from KDE, the only difference is that all folder icons, including the Dolphin icon, are now... Take a guess... Red!
![Some modified icons](repopics/redfolder.png)
## Extras
### My wallpaper
It's some mountain in Fronalpstock (Switzerland), the photo was taken by Boris Baldinger on [Click here to get it](
### Firefox theme
[Click here](
### Window tiling in Plasma
In the screenshots at the top you can see that my windows are tiling like in a tiling window manager, but I'm not using a tiling window manager (I'm lazy). What I'm actually doing is using KDE's standard compositor **KWin** with a **tiling script** called Krohnkite, but since it hasn't been updated in ages, I suggest you install a fork called [**Bismuth**](
### Rounded window corners and outline
For this you have to install the [Lightly Shaders]( and enable it in the KDE System Settings.
**This won't work if you're using Plasma 5.23.0 through 5.23.1! This bug was already reported [here](**