--- title: "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy" description: Last updated on February 19th, 2023. draft: false rss_ignore: true --- These are the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for the gianmarco.gg website and all of its services. Please read carefully and I won't bite you. # Preface Don't forget that **I own the server and all of its services**, that means that I have the power to do whatever I want and that includes changing this document whenever I feel like. It's on you to decide if you want to trust me or not with my promises and your data. "Why the heck do you need a document like this on here?" you might be asking, the reason is simple: the website and other services hosted on it let users **interact with content or upload their own**, so a small number of rules is needed to keep this place nice and tidy; also a set of privacy policies are also necessary because the before mentioned interaction and uploading of stuff require some sort of **authentication** and I want to be transparent about the data that gets collected. Here's a list of all of the services that have their own set of rules and/or policies: - **the main site's comments** that are under every article; - **the Git server** where people can commit, open issues, etc.; - **the Mumble server** where people can voice chat with each other. # The main site's comments Every article of the website has a comments section that looks like this. ![The comments section](/img/comments.png) The main part has a big text box where you type your comment, right under that there are three optional text boxes for **the display name**, **your email address** for a notification feature of the Isso comments system which is disabled on this site so it's unnecessary to fill that box, and **a website** of your choice, like your personal blog, that people can access by clicking on your display name on the posted comment. After those you have a Preview and a Submit button which are self explanatory. ## Terms for using the comments Here's what you can and can't do: - you can submit a comment or reply to another comment with your opinion or whatever you wanna say as long as it's not spam, offensive or too off-topic from the current article; - you can use whatever name, email or website link you want as long as it's not spam, offensive or impersonating someone; - you can upvote or downvote comments posted by others; - you **can't** post more than two comments each minute; - you can edit or delete a comment of yours until 15 minutes from posting; - you can report any comment that you think is going against the terms. Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time: - delete any comment; - edit any comment, including their display name, email address and website link. ## Privacy when using the comments The data the server gets when posting a comment or a reply is: - the comment itself; - the display name if specified; - the email address if specified; - the website link if specified. The comment, display name and website link **can be seen by anyone**, while the email **can only be seen by the server and who can access the backend**, that means me. Again, the email is only needed for a notification feature which is disabled, so don't even bother adding your address since I don't guarantee I'll enable that feature in the future. # The Git server The Git server is powered by a frontend called Gogs, which has a UI and a feature set very similar to GitHub. ![The Gogs UI](/img/gitserver.png) You can create or import repos, create organizations, post issues, make pull requests, etc. ## Terms for using the Git server Here's what you can and can't do: - you can create or import repos as long as they are related to me or a project of mine (e.g.: a fork of my nsxiv repo) and as long as they're not spam, offensive or illegal; - you can create organizations as long as they aren't spam, offensive or illegal and as long as they don't impersonate anyone; - you can post issues or comments as long as they aren't spam, offensive or illegal; - you can make pull requests; - you can do remoting with Git via the command line or a frontend of any sort, both HTTPS and SSH are supported (e.g.: `git clone git@git.gianmarco.gg:username/repo`, `git push`); - you can set any username, full name, email, profile picture, location and website you want as long as they aren't spam, offensive or illegal; - you can report any user that you think is going against the terms. Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time: - delete accounts, repos or organizations; - edit account details such as full name, email, password, website, location, maximum repo creation limit, activation status, login permission, administrative permissions and Git hook creation permission. ## Privacy when using the Git server The data the server gets when using the Git server is: - login credentials (username, email and password); - extra profile details (profile picture, location and website); - date of creation of the account; - anything pushed to the repos, including the commit history; - any commit, comment, issue, pull request, etc. The credentials can be remembered on the current browser with a cookie (when you tick "Remember me" on the login page), that's the only cookie that the site gives you. All of this data **can be seen by anyone**, except for login credentials and private repos which **can only be seen by the account/repo owner, the server and who can access the backend**, that means me, except for the password which **can't be seen at all**. # The Mumble server The Mumble server is powered by a backend called Murmur, the official server software for Mumble. ![Me logged into my Mumble server](/img/mumble.png) ## Terms for using the Mumble server Here's what you can and can't do: - you can log on with any name and certificate you want as long as you're not impersonating someone; - you can voice chat or text chat with anybody in any category you're allowed to go into as long as you're not disrespectful, annoying or harmful to others; - you can contact an administrator to report any user you think is going against the terms. Also there are some things that I am exclusively allowed to do at any time: - kick, ban, mute, deafen, prioritize or get information of any user; - delete or edit any channel. ## Privacy when using the Mumble server The data the server gets when using the Matrix server is: - username and certificate details (name, signatures, dates, etc.); - IP address; - operating system; - client version, CELT version and Opus support status; - ping statistics; - UDP packet statistics; - connection uptime and bandwith speed; - your voice and text messages. All of this data is **can be seen by the server and who can access the backend**, that means me. Treat this as a public space and don't just give away sensitive info, either via voice or text, to random strangers connected to the server.