--- title: "Vimus" description: A simple song and album visualizer made with Gambas date: 2022-08-14T18:49:22+02:00 tags: ["linux", "gambas", "music"] draft: false thumbnail: /software/img/vimusbanner.png license: "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International" --- It's really really simple: when you play a song in Clementine (for now it's hardcoded for that), the cover art, song name, artist, album name and its year will appear at the center of a simple black screen. ![Justice's Horsepower](/software/img/horsepower.png) ![Daft Punk's Robot Rock](/software/img/robotrock.png) ![Thomas Bangalter's Colossus](/software/img/colossus.png) The code itself is very bad and hacky and was done in just a few days, just a bunch of shell commands directing to DBus to get the data Vimus needs to display. Feel free to suggest any changes or to make a pull request to make it simpler and more efficient. The software is licensed under the [GNU General Public License version 3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html), you can find the source code and the installable binaries over at [the Git repository](https://git.gianmarco.ga/gianmarco/vimus) and at [the Downloads repository](https://dl.gianmarco.ga).