--- title: "Extras" date: 2021-08-03T14:01:47+02:00 draft: false rss_ignore: true --- Welcome to the Extras page (formerly known as the Secret Separator Zoneā„¢). You will find the sweetest crap here. Funny memes [here](/memes) (currently not working due to the incomplete migration to the new server!) Notices of any downtime, technical issue or migration of the site or related services on this Mastodon account: [@gmgserverstatus@mastodon.world](https://mastodon.world/@gmgserverstatus) Funny group chat (Matrix-Telegram bridge): - Matrix: [#autisticslumber:gianmarco.gg](https://matrix.to/#/#autisticslumber:gianmarco.gg) - Telegram: [t.me/gianmarcos_autistic_slumber](https://t.me/gianmarcos_autistic_slumber)