Updated the Software recommendations article to talk about Hugo and make some corrections

Gianmarco Gargiulo 2024-01-20 13:56:54 +01:00
parent 62c9e3a2fd
commit b3a76089f3
2 changed files with 78 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Software recommendations"
description: Stuff that I use or that I think you may like
date: 2023-11-15
lastMod: 2024-01-08
lastMod: 2024-01-20
tags: ["recommendations","software","free software"]
draft: false
thumbnail: /other/img/swrecommendations.svg
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ Basically the same thing as OpenKeychain, but for desktops. In addition it suppo
![The OpenSnitch logo](../img/sw/opensnitch.png)
OpenSnitch is a firewall application, based on nftables, that does logging, app rules and also comes up with dialogs asking if you want to allow specific apps and processes from accessing the network. It's useful for blocking ads and trackers that connect to your browsers or other applications, for instance it helped me block Telegram Desktop's Google analytics). It has a few annoyances like it being a bit hard to use, having excessive permission dialogs, especially when you install it for the first time or when you use command line programs, and the fact that I often get at login some notifications about missing libraries or something (maybe just an Arch issue, I should do more testing on other distros as well).
OpenSnitch is a firewall application, based on nftables, that does logging, app rules and also comes up with dialogs asking if you want to allow specific apps and processes from accessing the network. It's useful for blocking ads and trackers that connect to your browsers or other applications, for instance it helped me block Telegram Desktop's Google analytics. It has a few annoyances like it being a bit hard to use, having excessive permission dialogs, especially when you install it for the first time or when you use command line programs, and the fact that I often get at login some notifications about missing libraries or something (maybe just an Arch issue, I should do more testing on other distros as well).
[GitHub repo](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch)
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ If you need to quickly download (or even seed) something on the go, LibreTorrent
![The Nicotine+ logo](../img/sw/nicotineplus.svg)
Nicotine+ is a GTK 3 client for Soulseek, a peer-to-peer file sharing network. You can browse other people's files (usually legally obtained and distributed music) and share your own through your customized profile, you can send private messages to users, add friends, join public chatrooms and set your interests for others to see, basically anything that the official proprietary Soulseek client can do (AFAIK).
Nicotine+ is a GTK 3 client for [Soulseek](http://slsknet.org/), a peer-to-peer file sharing network. You can browse other people's files (usually legally obtained and distributed music) and share your own through your customized profile, you can send private messages to users, add friends, join public chatrooms and set your interests for others to see, basically anything that the official proprietary Soulseek client can do (AFAIK).
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ Nicotine+ is a GTK 3 client for Soulseek, a peer-to-peer file sharing network. Y
![The Prism Launcher logo](../img/sw/prismlauncher.svg)
The best and cleanest Minecraft launcher in existence, forked from the PolyMC project, it's made with Qt and it has a very nice UI to manage all of your game versions, settings, shaders, resource packs and mods with built-in search for Modrinth and CurseForge.
The best and cleanest Minecraft launcher in existence, forked from the [PolyMC](https://polymc.org/) project, it's made with Qt and it has a very nice UI to manage all of your game versions, settings, shaders, resource packs and mods with built-in search for Modrinth and CurseForge.
@ -685,3 +685,11 @@ Contribute to OpenStreetMap when you're outside by completing surveys and tasks
This is a collection of basic applications for Android that are, of course, free software and quite polished. These are forked from Simple Mobile Tools after they got acquired and ruined by ZipoApps. For example they have a music player, a calendar, a contacts app, a file manager, a voice recording app, a dialer app, a camera app, a gallery app, etc. For now not all of their apps are up on the Play Store or F-Droid, but whatever's missing you can get it from their GitHub repositories.
[GitHub page for Fossify](https://github.com/FossifyOrg)
### Hugo (Windows, macOS, Linux, *BSD)
![The Hugo logo](../img/sw/hugo.svg)
Hugo is a static site generator written in Go, it's a command line program that takes Markdown pages and compiles them into a static HTML/CSS/JS website based on a template theme of your choosing and on configuration files to customize the end result. It's the software I use to make this very website! It's a little complex to understand at first with the various folders, layouts, partials, etc., but once you get the basics it's going to be very nice and convenient.

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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