Fixed the blinky script where it would erroneously show the banner on Firefox (conditions unknown)

Gianmarco Gargiulo 2024-04-12 21:24:04 +02:00
parent d5bc16ee0b
commit 70d78dcdb0
1 changed files with 21 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -8,27 +8,27 @@
// and new IE Edge outputs to true now for
// and if not iOS Chrome check
// so use the below updated condition
var isChromium =;
var winNav = window.navigator;
var vendorName = winNav.vendor;
var isOpera = typeof window.opr !== "undefined";
var isIEedge = winNav.userAgent.indexOf("Edg") > -1;
var isIOSChrome = winNav.userAgent.match("CriOS");
if (isIOSChrome) {
// get out of my website
} else if(
isChromium !== null &&
typeof isChromium !== "undefined" &&
vendorName === "Google Inc." &&
isOpera === false &&
isIEedge === false
) {
showNavWarn(); // get out of my website
} else {
// not Google Chrome
// var isChromium =;
// var winNav = window.navigator;
// var vendorName = winNav.vendor;
// var isOpera = typeof window.opr !== "undefined";
// var isIEedge = winNav.userAgent.indexOf("Edg") > -1;
// var isIOSChrome = winNav.userAgent.match("CriOS");
// if (isIOSChrome) {
// // get out of my website
// showNavWarn();
// } else if(
// isChromium !== null &&
// typeof isChromium !== "undefined" &&
// vendorName === "Google Inc." &&
// isOpera === false &&
// isIEedge === false
// ) {
// showNavWarn(); // get out of my website
// } else {
// // not Google Chrome
// }
// Dexrn: add disallowed ones here.