Added a breadcrumb indicator for sections on pages and post cards, replaced the old unimplemented download link system with a download button/banner shortcode and added one to the NixOS presentation page, changed the font size of page titles and updated the styling and some text on the ytr.html page

Gianmarco Gargiulo 2023-11-02 16:45:57 +01:00
parent 6d82af16ea
commit 2a40fe636b
7 changed files with 81 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ license: "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International"
Registrazione della mia presentazione riguardo il selfhosting con NixOS che ho dato al Linux Day di Napoli 2023.
Scarica la presentazione da [qui](
Scarica la presentazione da qui.
{{< download "" "linuxday23-nixos-rev1.pdf" "PDF document, 14MB">}}
Puoi vedere questo video anche su [YouTube](, [Odysee]( e [PeerTube](

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@ -34,18 +34,37 @@
.button {
border: none;
color: white;
padding: 15px 32px;
padding: 10px 32px;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 16px;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 5px;
#pipedbtn {background-color: darkred} /* Piped */
#ytbtn {background-color: red} /* YouTube */
#odybtn {background-color: purple} /* Odysee */
#ptbtn {background-color: #C2540A} /* PeerTube */
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font-family: "Mustica Pro";
src: url("fonts/MusticaPro-SemiBold.otf") format("opentype");
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font-style: normal
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font-family: "Roboto";
src: url("fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf") format("truetype");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal
h1 {
font-family: "Mustica Pro";
const queryString =;
@ -70,11 +89,11 @@
<h1>Where do you want to watch this video?</h1>
<a id="pipedbtn" class="button" href="">Piped¹</a>
<a id="ytbtn" class="button" href="">YouTube²</a>
<a id="odybtn" class="button" href="$/embed/@gianmarcogg03:e/">Odysee²</a>
<a id="pipedbtn" class="button" href="">Piped</a>
<a id="ytbtn" class="button" href="">YouTube</a>
<a id="odybtn" class="button" href="$/embed/@gianmarcogg03:e/">Odysee</a>
<a id="ptbtn" class="button" href="">PeerTube</a>
<p>¹ = the instance used is <b></b>.</p>
<p>² = not freedom and/or privacy respecting.</p>
<p>The Piped instance used is <b></b>.</p>
<p>YouTube is not freedom and privacy respecting, Odysee has selfhosted telemetry.</p>

View File

@ -83,6 +83,49 @@
margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 0;
.breadcrumbs {
& a {
color: inherit;
.breadcrumbs-slash {
#download-banner {
border: 1px solid #bdbdbd;
border-radius: 6px;
background-color: #2a2a2a;
color: #bdbdbd;
padding: 20px;
width: 400px;
height: auto;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: left;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
margin-bottom: 50px;
& svg {
& h4 {
#download-banner:hover {
background-color: #0171ff;
border: 1px solid #0171ff;
color: white;
/* ISSO CSS */
#isso-thread {

View File

@ -1027,7 +1027,8 @@ h5,h6{
margin:0 0 .2em;
font-family:"Mustica Pro","Roboto",sans-serif
font-family:"Mustica Pro","Roboto",sans-serif;
font-size: 3em
margin:0px 0 0;

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ if ne .Params.rss_ignore true }}<p class="breadcrumbs"><b><a href="{{ .CurrentSection.Permalink }}">{{ .Section }}</a></b> <a class="breadcrumbs-slash">/</a> <b>{{ .File.BaseFileName }}</b></p>{{ end }}
<h1 class="post-full-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{ if .Param "description" }}
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
{{ if ne .Lastmod .Date }}<span class="byline-reading-time"><span class="bull">&bull;</span> <time class="byline-meta-date" datetime="{{.Date.Format "2006-31-01"}}"><svg class="byline-meta-symbol" xmlns="" height="16" viewBox="0 -900 960 960" width="16" fill="currentColor"><path d="M180-180h44l443-443-44-44-443 443v44Zm614-486L666-794l42-42q17-17 42-17t42 17l44 44q17 17 17 42t-17 42l-42 42Zm-42 42L248-120H120v-128l504-504 128 128Zm-107-21-22-22 44 44-22-22Z"/></svg> {{.Lastmod.Format "2 January 2006"}}</time>{{ end }}
<span class="byline-reading-time"><span class="bull">&bull;</span> <svg class="byline-meta-symbol" xmlns="" height="16" viewBox="0 -900 960 960" width="16" fill="currentColor"><path d="m627-287 45-45-159-160v-201h-60v225l174 181ZM480-80q-82 0-155-31.5t-127.5-86Q143-252 111.5-325T80-480q0-82 31.5-155t86-127.5Q252-817 325-848.5T480-880q82 0 155 31.5t127.5 86Q817-708 848.5-635T880-480q0 82-31.5 155t-86 127.5Q708-143 635-111.5T480-80Zm0-400Zm0 340q140 0 240-100t100-240q0-140-100-240T480-820q-140 0-240 100T140-480q0 140 100 240t240 100Z"/></svg> {{ .ReadingTime }} min read</span>
<span class="byline-reading-count"><span class="bull">&bull;</span> <svg class="byline-meta-symbol" xmlns="" height="16" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="16" fill="currentColor"><path d="M480-160q-48-38-104-59t-116-21q-42 0-82.5 11T100-198q-21 11-40.5-1T40-234v-482q0-11 5.5-21T62-752q46-24 96-36t102-12q58 0 113.5 15T480-740v506q51-33 107-49.5T700-300q36 0 78.5 7t81.5 29v-505q9.886 3.75 19.443 7.875Q889-757 898-752q10 6 16 15.677 6 9.678 6 20.323v482q0 23-19.5 35t-40.5 1q-37-20-77.5-31T700-240q-60 0-116 21t-104 59Zm60-167v-353l260-260v387L540-327Zm-120 63v-439q-34-19-79-28t-81-9q-47 0-87.5 10T100-704.467V-264q35-17 75.5-26.5t85-9.5q44.5 0 84.5 9.5t75 26.5Zm0 0v-439 439Z"/></svg> {{ .WordCount }} words</span>
{{ if isset .Params "license" }}<span class="byline-reading-count"><span class="bull">&bull;</span> <svg class="byline-meta-symbol" xmlns="" height="16" viewBox="0 -930 960 960" width="16" fill="currentColor"><path d="M220-80q-24 0-42-18t-18-42v-680q0-24 18-42t42-18h361l219 219v521q0 24-18 42t-42 18H220Zm331-554v-186H220v680h520v-494H551ZM220-820v186-186 680-680Z"/></svg> <a href="/copyright">{{ .Params.license }}</a></span>{{ end }} {{ if isset .Params "download" }}<span class="byline-reading-count"><span class="bull">&bull;</span> <svg xmlns="" height="18" viewBox="0 -850 960 960" width="18" fill="currentColor"><path d="M480-320 280-520l56-58 104 104v-326h80v326l104-104 56 58-200 200ZM240-160q-33 0-56.5-23.5T160-240v-120h80v120h480v-120h80v120q0 33-23.5 56.5T720-160H240Z"/></svg> <a href="{{ }}">Download</a></span>{{ end }}
{{ if isset .Params "license" }}<span class="byline-reading-count"><span class="bull">&bull;</span> <svg class="byline-meta-symbol" xmlns="" height="16" viewBox="0 -930 960 960" width="16" fill="currentColor"><path d="M220-80q-24 0-42-18t-18-42v-680q0-24 18-42t42-18h361l219 219v521q0 24-18 42t-42 18H220Zm331-554v-186H220v680h520v-494H551ZM220-820v186-186 680-680Z"/></svg> <a href="/copyright">{{ .Params.license }}</a></span>{{ end }}
<span class="bull">&bull;</span> <svg class="byline-meta-symbol" xmlns="" height="16" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="16" fill="currentColor"><path d="M840-480 671-241q-13 18-31 29.5T600-200H180q-24.75 0-42.375-17.625T120-260v-440q0-24.75 17.625-42.375T180-760h420q22 0 40 11.5t31 29.5l169 239Zm-75 0L611-700H180v440h431l154-220Zm-585 0v220-440 220Z"/></svg>&nbsp;{{ range (.GetTerms "tags") }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<footer class="post-card-meta">
<span class="post-card-byline-date"><time datetime="{{ .context.Date.Format "2006-31-01" }}">{{ .context.Date.Format "2 January 2006" }}</time>
<span class="post-card-byline-date"><a href="{{ .context.CurrentSection.Permalink }}">{{ .context.Section }}</a> <span class="bull">&bull;</span> <time datetime="{{ .context.Date.Format "2006-31-01" }}">{{ .context.Date.Format "2 January 2006" }}</time>
{{ if ne .context.Lastmod .context.Date }}
<span class="bull">&bull;</span><span class="post-card-byline-date"><time datetime="{{ .context.Lastmod.Format "2006-31-01" }}"> <svg class="byline-meta-symbol" xmlns="" height="16" viewBox="0 -1000 960 960" width="16" fill="currentColor"><path d="M180-180h44l443-443-44-44-443 443v44Zm614-486L666-794l42-42q17-17 42-17t42 17l44 44q17 17 17 42t-17 42l-42 42Zm-42 42L248-120H120v-128l504-504 128 128Zm-107-21-22-22 44 44-22-22Z"/></svg> {{ .context.Lastmod.Format "2 January 2006" }}</time>
{{ end }}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<div id="download-banner">
<span><svg xmlns="" height="32" viewBox="0 -950 960 960" width="32" fill="white"><path d="M480-320 280-520l56-58 104 104v-326h80v326l104-104 56 58-200 200ZM240-160q-33 0-56.5-23.5T160-240v-120h80v120h480v-120h80v120q0 33-23.5 56.5T720-160H240Z"/></svg><a href="{{ index .Params 0 }}"><h4>{{ index .Params 1 }}</h4></a>
<small>{{ index .Params 2 }}</small>